30 November 2007


That is what I must be.

For I have only come to realise what a truly great band U2 is. It took me 2 decades to realise that I love their songs, and that is because on a whim, I youtubed the video "Sweetest Thing". Now I'm addicted to all their videos and am playing their songs on infinite repeat, much to the chagrin of those around me.

I love Bono and The Edge. *Swoonz*

I am never one for the electric guitar; acoustics are more my cup of tea. I've always thought that electric guitars are rather screechy and jarring, until I came across The Edge. I love the energy in their songs and their videos... makes you want to yodel your lungs out in the privacy of your living room with your sound system blasting. Which I did. My poor neighbours.

*Head bangs to Vertigo, Desire and Elevation.*

"Can you feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel it?"

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