19 January 2010

Guest post: Tale as old as time...

A Christmas tale, as told by Intuition ; )

I was talking to my colleague, and this exchange took place:

Intuition: Did I tell you I was thinking of getting an Xbox? Well I just did, and boy am I feeling buyer’s remorse

Colleague: Tsk. Was wife involved in decision?

I: Oh yes she was, she gave permission for me to buy for her to give me for Christmas

C: Then it’s alright. You didn’t buy it. She did. Therefore, logically, no buyer’s remorse as far as you’re concerned.

I: Wow, that just made all the guilt go away; You’re a genius!

C: Ah. It is a very old solution. C.f. Genesis “The woman gave it to me, and I did eat”.


Singing Tigger said...

that's hilarious...

Anonymous said...

Hiak Hiak

Anonymous said...

The "I" in "I was talking to my colleague, and this exchange took place" is which "I"?

Same "I" that preceded later speech or "I" as in you?

Quirkz said...

I as in, short form for Intuition. :P

Anonymous said...

Hi all. How are you?